I'm not sure where the term "Brazilian" comes from for full shaving down there. What I do know is that My Love wants me bare and was willing to pay $2,000 for laser hair removal. I went to a consultation today, which turned into the first session. I'm pretty thankful. Who wants to have to shave all the time and deal with nicks and ingrowns? Who wants to experience the painful yanking and ripping of waxing? Been there, done them both, and I'm really not into the smell and mess of depilatories. I'm glad to not have to deal with any of those again. I'm guessing that I'll want my legs and other areas done once this series is complete and there's money for it.
I thought the experience would be embarrassing but it really wasn't. Just like when I've has massages and facials, a wrap was provided and the tech was nonchalant (after all, this is what she does all the time. I'm just another client). I had a little split "skirt" wrap around my waist, and the technician only exposed a small section at a time. The laser treatment itself really didn't hurt at all. It had been described to me as "feeling like a quick rubber band snap." I'm not sure I'd even say it was that ouchie. Perhaps the strangest part was being shaved prior to treatment - I hadn't shaved myself because I didn't think they would be able to begin today and she was more than willing to do it and to prep the area. About halfway though, I wondered to myself if I had any marks on my bottom. If I did, the technician was the consummate professional and did not say a word. However, it was embarrassing to be lying there wondering. Immediately afterward, it was really warm where the laser had been. That lasted less than an hour. I have absolutely no discomfort or post-treatment issues now.
As you might expect, My Love was thrilled that the first session could occur today. Full removal will take 6-9 sessions, each about 5-6 weeks apart. What surprised me is that the tech treated the entire area today and will do likewise each time. The full effect will occur over time.
That would seriously be worth the expense. I hate the constant shaving and battle with the ingrowns. You are so fortunate! :)